Friday, March 31, 2023

HHS Has Already Appealed The Nob-Headed USDC Judge Reed O'Connor Opinion, Of Yesterday, In Fort Worth...

Not at all surprising -- but the federal government has already filed an appeal (challenging this wrong-headed decision) in the Fifth Circuit. A petition for emergency stay of his ruling will also soon be pending there.

Burwell v. King has been decided. By The United States Supreme Court. Judge O'Connor simply ignored binding Supreme Court precedent, well-settled. Even the (very red) Fifth Circuit panel will shortly say so.

Not much else need be said -- at this point.

Except that he has plainly disgraced his robes. A GOP political/partisan hack, exclusively -- ignoring controlling law, to curry favor with hard right business interests in Texas (the prevailing party in this O'Connor decision is presently liable, and on appeal -- in a series of rather serious EEOC cases). And the owner of that business, an alternative medicine doctor -- has been criminally charged with funding "voter fraud investigation" efforts, that led to a repairman being held at gunpoint.

Now you know.

And. . . more than 30 counts?! That's gonna'. . . leave a mark. Grin.


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