Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Finally Got Time To Listen To Ms. Prelogar's Argument Yesterday At The Supremes... "Nailed It!"

Look. . . in theory, in many (perhaps most) Supreme Court cases, because these cases both draw from the most-skilled advocates, and because these are the best of our best Justices (or so the theory holds, anyway) -- it should be a simple matter of applying the black letter law as laid out, before the Court.

But reality. . . as they say. . . is another matter. [Sure, some have written that the program is in trouble. After actually listening -- I disagree, and disagree. . . completely.]

Yes, I've said repeatedly right here that Mr. Biden possessed clear statutory authority for his student loan relief measure. That is still true -- in spades. But faced with at least four Justices looking for a reason to invalidate it. . . yesterday came down to who was the calmer, more prepared, and best equipped lawyer in the ceremonial courtroom. And that was the Solicitor General, yesterday.

After listening all the way through, I honestly came away thinking she likely changed at least two Justices' views yesterday.

And by comparison, the lawyers for Nebraska, Mizzou and Texas. . . seemed rather frenetic and scatter-shot.

When the loan relief program is upheld, recall that I said tonight. . . it was very skillful advocacy that made it so. Onward, grinning -- ear to ear.


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