Monday, March 6, 2023

After Governors In Red States Pressured Walgreens Into Ending Sales Of "Morning After" Pills...

The State of California has let it be known today that US women's rights to health care choices. . . eclipse GOP political grand-standing. It should be remembered that California, were itself a nation, would be the fifth largest economy on the planet.

So Gov. Newsom has said the state won't spend state funds in Walgreens outlets until it once again stocks choice meds. . . nation-wide.

Without regard to ones' personal religious or moral views here -- it must be my continuing position that (like the position taken by state leaders in California and Illinois) women and their doctors should make these decisions -- privately, and for themselves. It is not the state GOP organization's right or role to foreclose choices in health care state wide, in the states where they control the legislatures and mansions. Of course, other pharmacies will likely still stock the meds anyway -- or a woman in need may drive across state lines to get it. . . but this idea (like Florida's book banning ways, mentioned last night). . . must be resisted, forcefully:

. . .Gov. Gavin Newsom said California will cut ties with Walgreens over the company’s decision to stop selling abortion medication in 20 Republican states.

“California won’t be doing business with Walgreens — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk,” Newsom tweeted Monday. “We’re done. . . .”

I think it laughable. . . that Walgreens decided to prefer the few hundred thousand GOP people of say Wyoming over the fifth largest economy on the planet. But if boycotts are needed to preserve choice. . . then so be it. Onward.


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