Thursday, February 9, 2023

What Did Pfizer Lobby About In Q4 2022? Hint: It Was NOT To Get J. O'Keefe Fired From Project Veritas... Sheesh!

Sorry -- I couldn't resist that. Many far right conspiracy theorists have it that Pfizer runs a shadow government in the US, and has pressured the board of directors of silly little Project Veritas to let him go. [I won't link the story, as I don't want to give any air to such nonsense -- other than to mock it.]

Me? I think his abuse of his staff members, contractors, people he perceives as opponents in (and out of) court, and journalists. . . finally caught up with him.

In any event -- here was what all Pfizer spent on in Q4 2022. . . (and yes, in my opinion, PV did a libelous hit piece on the company):

. . .Drug Pricing; Support of Biosimilars; Out-of-Pocket Costs; Rebate Reform; Vaccine Infrastructure/HR 3656 Excise Tax -- S.3087; Antimicrobial Resistance/HR 3932/PASTEUR Act; COVID Relief Package/Appropriations; PDUFA. . . .

Medicare Part D support for access to treatments for obesity; Coverage Gap; Rebate Reform; Out-of-Pocket Costs; Government Negotiation in Medicare. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform; International Tax Reform; OECD Profit Allocation; U.S. Manufacturing Credits; Build Back Better Act; Minimum Tax. . . .

NAFTA/USMCA; Foreign Market Access issues (including IPR); International Supply Chain/Buy America - harmonize international drug manufacturing standards.; Global Access to Medicines. . . .

TRIPS Waiver; General IP Issues; Bayh-Dole March-In Rights. . . .

But, before I go, as we noted two days ago, now -- what is true about Pfizer is that it had almost $330 billion -- with a "B" -- in nearly entirely untaxed income, sitting overseas. . . awaiting a vehicle to bring it home to the US, and/or pay down debt with it. But since then, Pfizer has cut 10,000 jobs -- and paid nearly no US federal corporate income tax (only $71 million last year, on over $22 billion in net income, or less than a one per cent rate). Yikes.

Finally, just to (again!) dismiss one other frothy far right nonsense claim: no we will not press release DHS and CIA and military "means and methods", related to that intrepid "red" balloon -- but you may be assured that its signals were jammed, from the moment it reached Alaska's shores, to the moment it splashed into the Atlantic off the shore of Myrtle Beach. So, it really doesn't matter that it HAD communications monitoring gear onboard. China did tell the truth when it said it had "lost control" of the balloon, and that happened because we. . . jammed its signals / comms.

Sheesh. This is not a Sputnik moment. Now I'll hush.


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