Tuesday, February 28, 2023

UPDATE: Now Eleven Dead So Far -- In Guinea, Of Marburg -- This Time Around.

The news is not. . . encouraging.

Public health authorities on the ground in Guinea are still working to improve assessment / reporting on cases and contacts. And the number of cases is now at 48, with 11 fatalities. Here's the update, from VoA:

. . .Two more people in Equatorial Guinea have died of Marburg hemorrhagic fever, a cousin of the Ebola virus, bringing the toll of fatalities to 11, the authorities say.

"Two days ago, the monitoring system recorded eight notifications, including the deaths of two people with symptoms of the disease," Health Minister Mitoha Ondo'o Ayekaba said in a statement issued late Tuesday.

Work is underway "to strengthen assessment of the spread of the epidemic," said the statement, read on national television.

"Forty-eight contact cases have been documented, four of whom have developed symptoms, and three who have been quarantined in hospital," it added. . . .

And we are still several weeks away from having candidate vaccine stock in country, ready for clinical "ring" vaccination trials. That may not be ready in time at all, for this go 'round. Discouraging.


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