Monday, February 27, 2023

Trial Date Remains April 17, 2023 In The Zetia Federal Civil Antitrust Suit, Long-Pending In Virginia.

After the latest status hearing of last Friday, we've learned that while settlement discussions continue, both sides are gearing up for trial -- in about forty days.

As we said, this has been simmering for well-over a decade now, in various state and local courts, before the federal one now handling it. I do expect the sides will settle, and maybe even the night or two before trial, in mid-April. This is easily a $400 million or more damages case, if Merck should lose it. So we will stay tuned. Here's the latest (after our renewed background coverage of about ten days ago).

. . .Counsel addressed their plans for mediation and settlement efforts in this matter. . . .

The Court added a second day for the final pretrial conference.

The Court will now hold the final pretrial conference on March 22 and March 23. Counsel are directed to confer and submit to the Court, by 3/2/23, the narrowed down/remaining issues that will need to be argued.

Argument/status conference set for 3/8/23 at 10:00 am. Hearing adjourned. . . .

Onward -- into a decidedly mild night, here -- grabbing some hand turned vanilla ice cream, with fresh cherries folded in. . . smile.


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