Wednesday, February 15, 2023

In General, I Try To Keep It Light Here... But Banksy's Work Is... Profoundly Important -- And Should Not Have Been Removed.

Yeh -- he has acknowledged that he chose Valentine's 2023 on purpose, to debut the work below (in masthead image) and at right, to bring attention to domestic violence.

And yes -- it is hard to look at, after all the idealized imagery of. . . just yesterday. But (in my view) it is wrong that authorities have already removed it from the ex-urb of London called Margate. Trying to keep their city. . . "tidy" is exactly what Banksy's latest speaks out against, and eloquently. . . if arrestingly so. Here's a bit from NPR:

. . .At first glance, she could be a prototypical 1950s housewife, wearing an apron over a smart gingham dress, complete with yellow cleaning gloves. But this is a Banksy artwork on the side of a building we're talking about, and the woman is pushing a freezer door closed — and a man's legs are jutting out the other end.

The woman is also hurt. She appears to be missing a tooth, and an eye is swollen shut. And that's where the title comes in: "Valentine's Day mascara," according to a post to Banksy's Instagram account on Tuesday. . . .

The local Thanet District Council said that while the graffiti art is a genuine Banksy, and it was on the wall of a privately owned property, the chest freezer "has been removed by council operatives on the grounds of safety as it was on public land."

The council added, "The fridge freezer is now in storage and will be returned once it has been made safe to the public. We will be contacting the owner of the property to discuss the options to preserve the artwork for the district. . . ."

Yes -- it is dark. And for far too many women. . . it is a reality they have faced -- perhaps not with the same vigilante's conclusion. . . but it needs to be seen. . . and discussed. Now I will hush.


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