Monday, October 3, 2022

Any Pretense That Tangerine Has Suffered Any Civil Injury May Now Be... Abandoned, Out Of Florida: He Seeks Even MORE Eleventh Circuit Delays...

Well. . . not that it will surprise anyone paying attention. . . but Team Tangerine just opposed a federal motion to have the Eleventh Circuit appeal expedited.

The reasoning? Each of his incompetent lawyers ostensibly needs more than 30 days to prepare for oral arguments. Thirty months or thirty years, the result is not changing: his purported civil claims are simply preposterous.

Well over a month ago, he claimed that the FBI's seizure of some of his press clippings and clothes. . . and a framed picture or three. . . was a barn burning emergency -- that he needed HIS personal documents back, immediately. Here after now three separate Trump delaying motions (in USDC "Crazy" Cannon's trial level court, in Ft. Pierce, FL), and at least two appellate delaying filings have been docketed. . . color us. . . skeptical.

He is just desperate -- wild-eyed -- not to be indicted before November 7, 2022 comes and goes. Me? I don't care much. His acolytes will mostly lose (Cough -- H. Walker in GA). And he WILL be indicted. He will be on no one's ballot by 2024.




  1. maybe we can start a game of 7 degrees of Trump (or one of his lawyers~~): If what is reported is true (most likely), disturbing and disgusting.

  2. It’s always a close knit crime circle, with these jamokes. . .

    I’m convinced Brett knew that not showing up for a speaking gig but pocketing over $125,000 was “hinky”.

    He needs to go to. . . Jail.

    Six degrees of the Tangerine Felon in Chief!

    Damn. . . Great find!
