Tuesday, October 4, 2022

[U] SUPREME NONSENSE, From Tangerine Lawyers: The Eleventh Circuit Has "No Jurisdiction" To Review An Inferior Court's Order?! Seriously?!

UPDATED X2 [10.13.2022]-- Just as we said, a one liner: ". . .Application (22A283) to vacate the stay entered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit on September 21, 2022, presented to Justice Thomas and by him referred to the Court is denied. . . ." Yawn. Trump will be indicted now, for certain. End second update.

Earlier, on 10.04.2022, Justice Thomas put in the docket that he wants the government's opposition papers on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 by 5 PM EDT. Those papers will not contain anything he doesn't already know -- this dispute is not remotely ripe for the Supremes' review. Trump hasn't yet even formally asserted any declassification defense (i.e., his sole means of seeking redress from a civil court), and yet, after he was caught red handed with top secret documents he lied and said he no longer had. . . he wants the Supremes to effectively end the indictment (criminal) process. So. . . yes, it will still be a bit. . . end update.

Well. . . I suppose. . . nothing should surprise me any longer, from the army of dunces representing Tangerine. . . but this is. . . just jaw-slacking -- in its bad faith ignorance / audacity.

Team Tangerine just asked Clarence Thomas (who hears emergency petitions out of the Eleventh Circuit) to have the Supremes decide that the orders of Judge Aileen Cannon, a USDC Trial Court Judge. . . may not lawfully be reviewed, by her own designated appellate panel, since it involves. . . a former guy / dotard. [I guess.]

This is hilarious: so, in Trump-world, no favorable ruling he ever gets may be reviewed by a higher court (except that he here asks the Supremes, for a. . . review!) -- because he was a former guy.

His lawyers say that a stay of an injunction "impedes" the Special Master's work, in the event that (certainly!) the Supremes do believe in regular federal appellate review, of trial court "plain as day" errors of law.

He in no manner explains how the stay slows the Special Master down. No -- in fact, he is seeking the opposite: a stop on all DoJ activity, while Clarence scratches his big old head over this.

I predict (in zero surprise!) his filing will be denied in an unsigned 6-3 order. . . within a few days. . . or a week.

Grinning -- out.



  1. And after 8 PM EDT tonight, EmptyWheel quite correctly points out. . . that at least one of Tangerine's lawyers is here seeking to see the government's case (i.e., top secret documents), as to which he will be a witness, if not a target, since he certified that Trump did NOT have them -- and that was demonstrably false:

    "...DOJ laid out explicitly before the 11th Circuit: At least one of them, Evan Corcoran, is a witness or possibly even a co-conspirator (DOJ referred to his lawyers, plural, as potential witnesses, suggesting Lindsey Halligan (who was at Mar-a-Lago during the search) or Jim Trusty has had a role in the obstruction process as well.

    Of course, Trump also neglects to mention the obstruction part of the investigation, which makes all documents with classification marks proof that Trump defied a subpoena


    D A M N A T I O N.

  2. more news that you love to read:

  3. Indeed! New post on that after the Ebola update… troubling developments out of South Sudan. . . .

