Friday, October 21, 2022

I Assume This Is Primarily Politics -- To Get People To Cooperate With The Lockdowns In Both Kassanda, And Mubende Districts...

Based on all we've seen in prior, "vaccination-enabled" Ebola outbreaks, primarily in DRC and Sierra Leone, I think it unwise to start predicting that this will be "over" in Uganda by year end. We are effectively only two months away from year end, now -- and each 42 day period (even if started today, with no new cases)... will only allow for. . . a tiny bit of spillage, over that.

One new case will effectively blow the Ministry's purported timeline here. But I do understand the need to have people be compliant, so shading it a bit may be politically wise. Here is the latest, from Reuters:

. . .On Oct. 20 the health ministry registered just one new case of Ebola, state communication minister Godfrey Kabbyanga said in a statement.

"The latest status update from the Ministry of Health indicates that the epidemic is, indeed, coming under control," Kabbyanga added.

"The government is, therefore, optimistic that with co-operation from the public, this epidemic should be rolled back, and wiped out by close of 2022," he said. . . .

Well -- it's warm enough tonight. . . to fancy a cup of cherries, freshly preserved, and infused into hand made creamy vanilla ice cream. . . so off I go -- into the night, by bike -- it's a mission! Grinning. . . .


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