Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Ebola / Sudan Variant: This Will Be The Beginnings Of Additional Collective Bargaining -- By Nurses' Unions, In US Provider Facilities... As It Ought To Be.

On the heels of yesterday's troubling news out of Karachi, the largest US nurses' union is sending open letters to all major US health care provider facilities (through union leadership in each facility) -- quite rightly elevating the profile of specific preparedness, for this precise possibility (even if fairly remote).

The US CDC and HHS have very detailed playbooks at the ready, for just this sort of possibility: a person with Sudan variant Ebola makes his or her way into the US, by plane (most likely). . . and is missed, at a screening. When the person gets sick, and likely transmits the virus to others, in a community -- who / what / where, and when should come next?

That is a very valid point -- over which the union should be able to open discussions with management, in all facilities subject to a collective bargaining agreement. And so, the union is quite right to ask that CDC start a very proactive outreach with management trainings, in advance of a live emergency. It is afterall, the nurses who will literally be putting their lives on the line:

. . .According to the World Health Organization, as of October 5, 2022, a total of 63 confirmed and probable cases have been reported, including 29 deaths during the current outbreak. Ten health care workers have been infected, and four have died from Ebola virus disease. While no known cases related to this outbreak have been reported in the United States, Ebola virus disease (also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever) is a deadly disease with estimated case-fatality rates ranging from 41 percent to 100 percent, for which no vaccine or treatment is available for the prevention and treatment of Sudan ebolavirus. The fast-growing outbreak of Ebola cases combined with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic poses additional risks to patients and health care workers. . . .

We assume you have a plan in place for the care of patients with Ebola virus in your facilities. Many of these plans will have an impact on the terms and conditions of employment for our members, therefore, please consider this to be our demand to bargain over these issues at your earliest availability. . . .

We truly do not want to seem alarmist, but the high fatality rates seen when there was no vaccine. . . mean that extreme vigilance is needed. We all should lock arms and support this effort, here -- and around the globe. Onward, smiling. . . .



  1. Scariest halloween ever!

  2. I hear you Anon., but I cannot even give this sort of (cough!) "expert" game theory. . . any oxygen.

    I will be (and I am, each weekend, right now) -- for the midterms -- working hard (calls, letters and yes, traveling out of state to knock on doors, each weekend -- where it could possibly make a difference). A live three minute door to door conversation is mighty powerful.

    So, I think the best way to avoid the game theorists having any "told 'ya" moment, is to simply turn out more votes. His is a hard ceiling. But more than 3 million young people will be eligible to vote by 2024, all of whom were not -- in 2020.

    We must get those to break at least 65-35 against Tangerine, or DeSantis (I actually expect he will be the ultimate GOP nominee, for a host of reasons).

    We simply need to hold the line on 2020, and win our share of the new voters. . . and we will not see Tangerine 2.0.

    Great stuff, though -- namaste!

  3. meanwhile;

    I keep thinking of a Scooby-Do quote 'ruh-roh!'

    And I do believe you are correct, get out the many as possible.

  4. It seems it is all unravelling at once for Tangerine. . . and the 01.06.21 committee just voted to send him a subpoena (not that he'll comply with the law; he will appeal it).

    And he must shortly also give a deposition in Manhattan, in the Jean Carroll defamation case (he lied many times, about raping her -- and defamed her, with his false denials, it is alleged).

    And Leticia James has moved to have all the charity assets in NY frozen, since it appears Tangerine is trying to evade the earlier order barring him from ever running a ny charity in NY again, and the order to distribute the funds to victims of his frauds.

    And all that's before we get to the Eleventh Circuit, proper.


    Yep -- get the vote out -- especially the just aged in vote (18-20 year olds).

    Namaste. . . .
