Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Tangerine Made The Gambino Crime Syndicate... Look Like... Dime Store Hoods, Stealing Candy.

To say the breadth of these financial frauds. . . is breath-taking. . . doesn't really do it justice. At right is only a partial screen shot of this chart, of all the ways Trump is alleged to have lied about the value of his properties, either understating what was owed on them, or overstating what they were worth, in order to get ever increasing lines of credit. . . or conversely, lying about the value, on the low side -- to avoid paying his share of his real estate taxes, or NY income taxes.

While he was in no manner as smart as the Gambinos, El Chapo (or Capone, in Chicago). . . the sheer scope and audacity of the lies. . . likely eclipses them all. He may not have had people rubbed out, but the traditional crime families (every one knew) traded in unlawful crafts, from the go -- rackets, prostitution and street drugs, mostly under cover of night.

Trump conducted his sprees in broad daylight, in the lobbies -- and walnut paneled offices -- of world renown banks, and fellow real estate magnates.

He simply lied his way into an empire, and out. . . of paying his fair share. Go get him, Ms. James!


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