Friday, September 30, 2022

Let's Compare -- And Contrast: Mar-A-Lago Secrets Vs. Nearly Four DECADES Of Asylum Seekers...

I find myself in a. . . rather. . . reflective mood this evening, having re-watched Blake Lively and Harrison Ford in "The Age Of Adeline" (a great romance movie night, if you haven't seen it, BTW). The premise is. . . she cannot age, for over a century -- she remains forever 29.

That, in turn put me in mind of the Flores litigation, in Los Angeles. That class action suit, to protect the basic human dignity of people seeking asylum at our southern border. . . has been going on since the end of Ronald Reagan's first term. Nearly four decades -- across both Democratic and GOP administrations. . . (but it has most-often been stuffed full, with emergency relief petitions during GOP ones). That link is the latest settlement, ending by Mr. Biden's agreement, the former Tangerine policies of denying blankets, soap and toothbrushes to asylum seekers. . . which was SOP under 45.

Four decades. Since 1985. The internet didn't really exist. Cell-phones were the size of toaster ovens, and carried in a bag the size of today's college bookbags. People mostly still listened to cassette tapes, and watched fuzzy, low resolutions movies -- on a VCR, on Friday nights. Mom-and-Pop, local VCR rental shops, in most urban neighborhoods. . . were just reaching their zenith. Damn.

My point is that. . . something is terribly broken with our legal system, if we are still in the same old, repetitive-injuries class action case, doing wrong under GOP administrations. . . against people who simply want a better life, and are being persecuted where they once lived.

And the contrast? This evening (quite rightly), the US AG/DoJ lawyers have filed a motion to expedite the appeal of the insane Judge Cannon orders, in the stolen Top Secret documents case, out of Mar-A-Lago -- replete with a quick march of briefing due dates. Again, something is fundamentally broken, if we need an appeal to say that an ex-president should not have Top Secret documents lying around loose in his country club office, where foreign emissaries from "frenemy" governments often are entertained.

But I am glad it is happening on swift wings (by legal standards), just the same. Now if we might see the same urgency to finally resolve the asylees' cases. . . . Damn.



  1. Hey you… once at 10:15 pm, smiling — but I’ll need to find a new Adeline clip to link; old one went 404, I see. Smile… sleep well!

  2. There! All fixed! Sleep like a lil’ round river rock!
