Saturday, September 17, 2022

DoJ's Eleventh Circuit Appeal: Motion To Stay Cannon's Order Of Last Night...

Once again tonight, I am having a hard time conveying. . . just how internally inconsistent, and untethered from the law and the Constitution's notions of separate and EQUAL branches of limited government. . . Judge Cannon's unbroken string of four almost unintelligible rulings. . . have been.

But tonight, the AG's legal team lays down a clear, single through line: that no district court has the power to tell any AUSA which cases they may -- or may not -- file, in the future. This all comes from a lower level judge, as to a case not even filed yet, and Aileen Cannon purports to tell a separate branch that it cannot even file a case, without her permission -- a criminal case. . . to enforce the law? Game over, for Trangerine -- and Cannon, thus:

. . .The injunction also unduly interferes with the criminal investigation. It prohibits the government from accessing the seized records to evaluate whether charges are appropriate and even from “bringing charges based on” those records. A9. “The notion that a district court could have any input on a United States Attorney’s investigation and decision whether to. . . bring a case” is “entirely incompatible with the constitutional assignment to the Executive Branch of exclusive power over prosecutorial decisions.” In re Wild, 994 F.3d 1244, 1287 (11th Cir. 2021) (Tjoflat, J., concurring). . . .

We will leave it at that, for now. The DoJ should win the right to keep investigating, if there are three competent judges at that level -- three, who actually care about national security. And care about it more than fealty to Tangerine. Out.



  1. I'm sure he will now ask for carpet cleaning services:

  2. Damn! Hah!

    He is. . . utterly insufferable.

    This, from a guy who wore his still-mud caked golf spikes, up onto the altar at some mega-church in Virginia in the waning days of his time in office.

    He is. . . feckless.

    Great find though -- thanks!
