Monday, September 26, 2022

[U: Success!] Could All Be Rather... Spectacular: DART's Dimorphos Impact, Tonight.

The last time we saw similarly dramtic footage was when we saw OSIRIS-REx do a "pogo-stick" -- and lift about a cubic ton of material, off of another asteriod (called Bennu) about 15 months ago. . .

This also promises to generate some very interesting footage -- and the fine people across the pond, at the European Space Agency, have provided the base graphic at right for a sense of scale. [Update appears here.]

. . .The 160 meter diameter Dimorphos asteroid compared to Rome's Colosseum. . . .

NASA's DART spacecraft will collide with the Dimorphos moonlet, in orbit around the larger 780 meter diameter Didymos asteroid, in a bid to change its orbit. In 2026, ESA's Hera spacecraft will arrive at the Didymos system to perform a close-up survey of the deflected asteroid. . . .

Do stay tuned, later tonight! Grin. . . . CGI prediction below:


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