Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Decorated USAF Vet In Memphis Asks That The FL USDC Judges Stop Trump...

. . .from calling himself "President" in his own court filings. He doesn't even call himself "former".

This courageous vet -- and I have the redacted his precise location details (given the MAGA propensity for violence against people with whom they disagree) -- is incensed by the "treasonous / aid and comfort to undermining Democracy" tone of Trump's stylings.

"We have one President at a time, and he is not it."

The man -- who has served his nation in ways Trump never did, and never will (putting his life on the line, in Vietnam) -- is absolutely right.

And the lawyers signing Tangerine's pleadings should be. . . ashamed.

He's right about that as well.



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