Monday, August 22, 2022

Tangerine's Lunacy "Leaps Off The Page": His Filing To Block Warrant Affidavit Unsealing, Even Redacted...

It is clearly a frothy, angry political manifesto, not a proper legal filing / document -- of any sort. Certainly not worthy of the federal courthouse (in my opinion). [And, the sad news of the departure of Dr. Fauci will have to wait until tomorrow -- too much of a firehose of news, out at the moment. Sorry, Anon.]

Yet the half-truths, deceptive omissions, and the outright lies. . . found within likely imperil each of the three lawyers whose names appear at the end of it.

In a felony matter such as this, intentionally misstating the factual evidence already in the public record. . . might well be grounds for disbarment. It is thought, correctly, prejudicial to the "without fear or favor" administration of justice.

I offer the link here, solely to keep a complete (if pungent) public record.

But my assessment is that it is highly likely, when the government offers its redacted versions of the warrant affidavit(s), Trump's request will be mooted. He. Is. Just. Too. Late.

He didn't bother to file, or show up last week -- but he posted on social media, to millions -- complaining about it all, in near real time, as the hearings last week unfolded.

He well knew that the facts would out, if he did formally appear, and he wanted to keep his false narrative alive for as long as possible -- so he hoped the able Magistrate would keep it all sealed. That didn't happen because the fourth estate rightly showed up. Sweet.

So now. . . he is almost certain to be indicted by early fall. Again, sweet.


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