Friday, August 26, 2022

[U] So... The Affidavit Establishes That Tangerine (After Biden Became President!) Was "Marking Up" Various Top Secret Documents @ MAL... With His Sharpies?!

Look -- the 18 USC § 793(e) indictment is coming.

And that is the headline, to be certain. Here is the heavily redacted 38 page affidavit.

But this guy. . . this. . . idiot. . . was at Mar-a-Lago, long after January 2021, in the basement, in a non-secured room -- writing notes, with his Sharpies, on TOP SECRET documents. Let that sink in. See Paragraph 47, at page 17.

Defacing. . . top secrets.

Altering original records (likely of his malfeasance, at least).

Effectively destroying what he knew was original. . . evidence, on a host of fronts.

He was just a jumoke, at this point. No right to even be around those top secret documents, let alone destroy them.

Obstructing at least the 01.06.2021 investigations (if nothing else).

He was effectively destroying and/or "altering" original top secret US defense information. As a private citizen, without any authorization. And all the evidence of this is in his very own. . . highly distinctive. . . crayon-level scribbles.

The man is as malevolent as he is. . . idiotic. A truly lethal combination. Out.

And -- ever the "equal opportunist" here, Anon. has asked that I register her Keenan/SNL dissenting opinion for the record. We have a root beer riding on it all, now -- so, here you go! See below:

Be excellent to one another -- have a great weekend!



  1. I'm still with Keenan Thompson on this; ain't nothing gonna happen....

  2. Hmmm. I hear you Anon.

    I will willingly take the other side of that bet.

    This is the first felony inquiry, now likely indictment, that directly -- literally -- has Tangerine's own hand-writing and pudgy fingerprints all over it.

    It also involves... espionage.

    It carries 20 year minimum sentences.

    And... most of all, it is like getting Capone on failure to file tax returns.

    As of this moment, there is zero question he has violated the Espionage Act.

    The documentation is in DoJ's hands now.

    I trust this is very nearly the end for him.

    But of course, I and many others smarter than I am. . . were wrong before.

    Actually -- not "wrong" per se -- just too early.

    It looks like 'Tish James has him dead to rights, as well in NYC, with his over 500 "Take Fives".

    But we shall see. . . thanks for your thoughts!

    Love Keenan, too. . . .

  3. was 'hoping' you would post that clip (or still) of him saying that~~

    Ok. Bet is on. Should we make it another root beer float? I'd be happy to pay up on it....if it goes your way.

    also, heard from Brad. No definitive plans on where next. national search but, hold up most likely at higher level as that Director level is still not replaced (with not much on horizon).

  4. Absolutely!

    Root beers it is!

    Smiling. . . thanks re the updates, as well!

    N A M A S T E. . . .

  5. Your dissenting opinion is now at the bottom of the post, to be fair, here!


  6. thanks for the addition. Chuckles all around.

    Be safe
