Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Release Of Even These Redacted Affidavit Details... Will Be Deeply Damaging... To Tangerine's False Narrative.

Of course, it is going to take a week at least (to August 25), as the government needs to offer its suggestions for redaction, first.

And if Trump has any competent counsel, and essentially the whole of the substantive factual representations are NOT blacked out. . . Trump will now oppose the release.

The able jurist in Miami just ruled that at least parts of the affidavits need to be released, consistent with news media right of access to judicial documents -- in matters of substantial national importance.

But I write mostly to say that this will NEVER be helpful to Tangerine's almost completely false narrative. Nope, the evidence there is going to be vast, and deeply incriminating -- on intent to steal top secret documents. Charming.


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