Monday, July 11, 2022

We Knew It Was Just A Matter Of Time... But One Individual Has Made An NLRB Charge Letter / Filing... Intimating One MILLION Potential Amazon Employees, To Be Represented.

This charge letter was originally filed in late June, but as I've previously indicated, it takes some time. . . for the FOIA offices -- to clear letters and charges for public consumption.

So it is. . . that tonight, we can report that a Seattle area complainant seeks to cover up to one million Amazon team members, alleging Amazon's violation of various parts of Section 8(a) of the NLRA -- in thwarting employees' rights to unionize, by actions of line management (though it does name the current CEO -- as the company representative complained of).

I would strongly suspect that (since so many other large collective groups were accreted over decades, for example by the Postal Workers', and Teamsters' unions) this is the single largest ever unitary employer to be claimed, for a representative employee-group as a bargaining unit, in the nearly ninety year year history of the NLRA.

"Once the flames begin to catch, the fire will grow. . . much higher." -- Peter Gabriel, "Biko". Onward, ever onward. . . even as I am feeling a rather surprising, severe sore throat -- for the first time in at least eight years. Weird. Fully vaxxed and boosted, so it is not that. . . but very out of the main, for me. Odd. But just like someone else on this date eight years ago, exactly. Smile -- click image.


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