Saturday, July 23, 2022

She's Nearly Running Sub 10-Second 100s -- Over Hurdles... For 400 Meters!

Look, this is properly a. . . life science post. . . because I think it at least approaches what must be a biological hard limit, for human speed, at four hundred meters -- over hurdles.

Consider that the prior world record stood for 33 years, then along she comes -- and knocks a full second off of it (at the last Olympics!), on her first "real try" -- and then proceeds to better her own mark, in three more successive world stage outings, over just the last two years.

But now, as of yesterday, at 2022 Worlds -- in Eugene Oregon's glorious facility, she's taken it to where each of her successive 100 meters. . . would have been a world record on their own, just two decades ago, in womens' competition.

And she does it for 400 meters. . . straight. At some point, as a once in a generation athlete, she is likely to show us where the biological limit is, for speed, in this event -- as Usain Bolt had, about 15 years ago in the mens' 100.

Here is to all the great things, both on-, and off- the track -- this gifted young human will achieve. Grinning ear to ear.


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