Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Y A W N. This All Gets Rather... Repetitive, After A Bit: Were Mr. Shkreli's Public Statements, About Cuban's Pharmacy... Intended To Influence Cuban's Management?

Late last night, I happened to see that Martin Shkreli is publishing pharma- critiques -- on Substack (and summarizing the criticisms, on Twitter). At the moment, he's on about Mark Cuban's supposedly cost saving pharmacy / prescription benefit company. [Let's just pretend (for the purpose of completing this post!) that this effort by Martin is NOT where IRONY goes, to die.]

Well then, that aside. . . Martin's federal court banning order prevents him from making any public statement that a reasonable person might understand to be an attempt to influence any US pharma / pharmacy / life sciences company, whether publicly traded or privately-held.

Judge Cote's order on that was crystal clear (see the top of page nine of the able USDC Judge's order).

Here's Martin's quote, yesterday (from UK MSM outlet The Daily Mail):

". . .Infamous 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli slammed billionaire Mark Cuban's new online pharmacy for making what he says are 'largely false' claims about its cost savings.... He accused the billionaire's internet pharmacy of not being transparent about medication and shipping costs to make it appear as if savings were greater. . . ."

It sure seems that a reasonable observer would understand Martin's statements as intended to influence (or change) the way Cuban presents or conducts this pharmacy business. [To be clear, I will not offer any opinion either way on Cuban's biz -- nor on whether Shkreli is correct, in his assessment. Those matters, for the purpose of complying with the currently fully-enforceable FTC injunction. . . are irrelevant.]

It seems beyond dispute that Martin seeks to have Cuban change the way he describes the pricing. . . at Cuban's pharmacy.

So. . . I'll likely forward this post to the FTC trial counsel, tomorrow morning.

Cheeky, I know.



  1. With an attempt to improve my spirits: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2022/mars-total-organic-carbon "....We found at least 200 to 273 parts per million of organic carbon. This is comparable to or even more than the amount found in rocks in very low-life places on Earth, such as parts of the Atacama Desert in South America..."

    Maybe Marvin has been at work again?????~

  2. Indeed! I love it!

    Will tee this up as a new one later this afternoon. . . running to set the Benihana seating details, etc. . . for tomorrow night, now. [See latest post last paragraph.]

    This is a great idea, for your grand-kids, too. . . . Woot!
