Thursday, June 23, 2022

When You Are Guilty -- But Decide To Waive Your Right To Cross-Ex, And You AGREE Be Tried "In Absentia" -- It Goes... Badly.

Well. . . this, this is. . . priceless.

Tonight, on his Truth Social, Tangerine lets us know he's been watching the hearings. And, after he and his people decided they would try to just ignore the committee, and not offer to serve on any part of it (but GOP Reps. Cheney, and Kinzinger and others did show up, for the rule of law). . . only now, that he's seeing his a$$ handed to him, night after night, on all networks except Faux. . . only now. . . he is complaining that it is unfair.

These idiots had/have no idea how Congressional Committees work. If you don't serve -- you don't get a speaking role at the committee's hearings. Simple.

Such a stupid, stupid. . . (and intrepid) bunch of seditious felons these clowns. . . are.


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