Tuesday, June 14, 2022

[U] So -- A Tuesday Lunchtime Dose Of... Whimsy: Did A Google AI Application... Become Self-Aware Last Week? Is "Skynet" Already Here?!

[Martin Shkreli has so many ghost / fake accounts, this is the revised graphic.]

It seems Google has placed one of its software engineers in San Fran. . . on leave. It seems he thinks that an artificial intelligence suite he was working on. . . became self-aware. Sentient. A silicon life form, if you will. And so, of course, Google will fire him, for saying so:

. . .A senior software engineer at Google was suspended on Monday (June 13) after sharing transcripts of a conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI) that he claimed to be "sentient", according to media reports. The engineer, 41-year-old Blake Lemoine, was put on paid leave for breaching Google's confidentiality policy.

When Lemoine and a colleague emailed a report on LaMDA's supposed sentience to 200 Google employees, company executives dismissed the claims.

"Our team – including ethicists and technologists – has reviewed Blake's concerns per our AI Principles and have informed him that the evidence does not support his claims," Brian Gabriel, a spokesperson for Google, told the Washington Post. . . .

I do not mean to make fun of him (and the Google spokesperson seems. . . utterly humorless). . . yet I highly doubt that a Cyberdyne Systems moment looms for us all. It is just a nice echo of art, being imitated (rather poorly) by. . . life. Onward, into a sticky hot sunny afternoon! Be excellent to one another. . . .



  1. in staying with a theme of 'different faces,' I call dibs on naming AG Barr either a) Bullsh!t Barr or b) Two-face (and request the Batman Dark Knight version....I do prefer calling him Two-Face~~~~~

    Barr and Trump detached with reality:https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/bill-barr-trump-jan-6-hearing-1367289/
    Barr and voting in 2024 for Trump:https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/07/barr-trump-2024-00014597

  2. Yep, Anon. -- I am definitely all about THAT -- so long as at least TAngerine gets a matching orange jumpsuit, in the end -- for playing the "marathon steal from all US taxpayers" game. Definitely "Dark Knight" version.

    Crazy stuff!

    But finally sanity is... returning.


  3. And, now Anon. -- because I am waiting for a few more days of hearings/indictments to be completed, before I post on the topic of William "Two-Face" Barr again. . . I give you what will be added -- as an element of the ultimate collage, when the time comes. . . so, you'll now get a sneak-peak of Billy Barr, hisself:

