The "regression" agenda is in high dungeon, at SCOTUS's "rule of five" [Ma' Gawd wing] again this morning. Just now, the Court held that a public high school [X-ian] prayer, on a public school football field at the end of the game, led by a public school (paid) coach. . . cannot be enjoined; and cannot be the basis for firing the coach. That is. . . frankly. . . insane.
I wonder how. . . "included" the Jewish, Atheist and Muslim team members felt. . . especially if they declined to join in the praise of god they do not recognize (and in some cases, are forbidden by their religious law -- praising a "false" god). [Were they justifiably worried. . . about being benched?]
These MAGA Justices are going to see. . . a Court of 13, yet.
I should add that technically, the coach was praying alone on the field in the subsequent offense that got him fired. But for the whole prior season, he and the team had prayed on the field, at the 50 yard line -- pictures in the dissenting opinion.
Having the team join him is "evangelizing" for a particular religion -- on public school property, by a public employee, on work time, and an employee with clear "aura of authority" over vulnerable young students. [What any of us genuinely hold as spiritual- or other views, here are. . . supposed to be left out of public school teaching, except as a "history of philosophical thought" course.]
To use a phrase the MAGAts and Q-GOP throw around aimlessly, and irresponsibly (as to LGBTQ+ events/expressions). . . he was "grooming" those kids to be intolerant Xians, all along. Again -- probably exactly what Alito and Thomas are hoping for.
The Church of England in 1670 had nothing. . . on them.
The case is called Kennedy v. Bremerton School Dist.:
. . .Properly understood, this case is not about the limits on an individual’s ability to engage in private prayer at work. This case is about whether a school district is required to allow one of its employees to incorporate a public, communicative display of the employee’s personal religious beliefs into a school event, where that display is recognizable as part of a longstanding practice of the employee ministering religion to students as the public watched.
A school district is not required to permit such conduct; in fact, the Establishment Clause prohibits it from doing so. . . .
Damnation. The only thing I would add. . . is that this evangelist. . . held a position of authority over these ball-players. Ugly.
But great contribution, as always, inspired by/from Anon.!
It sure seems Gorsuch is misrepresenting the case facts to justify a religious freedom argument. That smoke you see is the last grasp of legitimacy leaving this group of ideologues.
ReplyDeleteIt sure does. Really good framing! Thanks -- yep, Gorsuch invents some "facts" -- facts directly refuted by the record at trial below -- then decides a case based on his own invented "fact pattern". . . one that bears scant resemblance to the actual record, established by the evidence, at the trial from which Kennedy appeals his complete loss (on no Establishment of State Religion grounds).
ReplyDeleteThat's why Justice Sotomayor included the photos, admitted as evidence (at trial) in her dissent, and I reprinted one -- above. Said less charitably, Gorsuch / Thomas / Alito / Kavanaugh are all LYING -- about the record below.
The longer lens of history (when ultimately written, about these past few weeks) will not be kind to these four / five Justices. . . who now shamelessly decide cases not even before them, only to announce broad principles that contravene a century or more of settled law, and relegate half the citizenship to near chattel status. . . anew.
In truth, while I hope the ballot box (and a new Congress next term, after that voting) will right some of these wrongs. . . I am increasingly convinced that we need a Court of. . . 13 Justices. . . right now.
Like. . . tomorrow.
C'mon Joe -- let's go!
There is no saving this assault on what it means to live, in ordered liberty -- in America.
Namaste. . . thanks again for the cogent commentary.
I don't know...13 SCOTUS~. If it is done now, what is to stop the reversal or addition when/if Republicans gain Senate? I'm also not convinced there are enough 'reasonable' Republicans left. What is the percentage of Republicans standing up for the Jan 6 hearings? For the impeachments? Look at FL~~~little De is a tyrant and the populace love him.
ReplyDeleteI don't have an answer. I'm baffled by the inability to reason with any Republican at this point.
Maybe Thomas and Ginny should be arrested for co-habitating under the pre-Loving laws. Maybe then he/she would understand what 'others' go through....then again~~~probably not.
I fear for my grandchildren....
just more negative thoughts:
ReplyDeleteYou know I am feeling much the same…
ReplyDeleteBut as you’ve reminded me (and for your grandkids!):
“It don’t let up… but
‘ya gotta’ try to…
Keep ya’ head up….”
Namaste — will be keenly interested in the surprise 1 pm witness’s tale!