Wednesday, June 22, 2022

UPDATE: JFK8 ALJ Hearing We've Been Covering Is Now On Hiatus; Will Resume... August 8, 2022

Just a minor update, on the ALU v. Amazon consolidated unfair labor charges hearings -- regarding the JFK8 union election win (on an about 2-to-1 vote).

The formal hearings/trial were adjourned on June 16 -- but it is highly-likely there are lots of motions due between now and August 1, so we will keep an eagle's eye out, here. The coverage is delayed, as it is not part of the PACER system. But this is the latest:

. . .The hearing in the above matter, which adjourned on June 16, 2022, will resume on August 8, 2022, and will continue on August 9 through 11, 2022.

Any additional hearing dates necessary to complete the case will be scheduled at that time. . . .

Dated:New York, New York

June 21, 2022. . . .

Now you know. Onward with the tiniest baby girl here all day today! woot!


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