Monday, May 16, 2022
Well -- Have ANY Of These Feckless Billionaires Graduated... Middle School?! Seems... NOT.
You literally can't make stupid stuff like this up -- unless, of course, one posits a nation where feckless multi-billionaires. . . can't figure out how to keep it zipped up.
Then this, and the prior one about Jeff Bezos. . . are entirely. . . predictable.
Check at left -- I think the answer to the posited law school exam is. . . a one word essay.
"Yes." That disparages Twitter -- and its executives. Game over.
But I do have to laugh, as my "confirmation bias" kicks in and says Musk really does want a reason to walk away.
But his latest under-oath SEC filing says he's "fully committed" to the deal. The enforcement staff are likely to ask why he's calling BS on his own sworn statements, today (without a correcting Schedule 14 disclosure, no less). What an idiot.
OTOH, the SEC may already be broadly hinting (to his regular lawyers, on the at least three existing investigations) that he can have no formal or informal role at Twitter, if he goes forward, given his prior pattern SEC violations.
We shall see.
H I L A R I O U S.
Twitter will be just fine. . . without him, as I've repeatedly said.
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