Friday, May 20, 2022

Candace Owens And CPAC Are Out Raising Money... In HUNGARY?! Damn!

So. . . this is how desperate the frothy far right is -- with cash from Russia (sanctions!) locked down. It's on. . . to Budapest, for what was supposed to be a US focused far right political action committee?! Hilarious!

Look, I get it: Candace Owens never met a whyte dictator she didn't like -- but ONLY if they paid LOTS and lots. . . of loot.

In her simple world view, though seven months preggers, it is well worth the risk(s), to take a flight to Budapest, from Nashville -- some nine hours, if non-stop; eighteen, if not so. . . when CPAC knows that she sees Orban as akin to. . . Putin, and loaded, to boot.

And... there is Hungary's record of support for whyte supremacy movements. . . so she's the perfect "but my [lone] black friend says..." shill.

At bottom, it is never about ideology for these tools.

It is solely about new buckets of cash -- after they've now completely tapped out the local USA / red-neck masses.

And sanctions have locked out the flows they used to collect from Russian-state-affiliated oligarchs, and perhaps. . . Putin, hisself.

[Maybe CPAC is now on. . . fumes?!]

Charming. We may only hope.

Some "Make America Great" mantra that must be. . . Damn.


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