Wednesday, May 11, 2022

[U: Water -- Via China's Zhurong Rover!] As We Said Earlier -- InSight May Have Reached "End of Mission" Power Reserves... Winter On Barsoom Approaches.

It is clear that power reserves are very low, going into winter on Mars.

I expect this briefing today, to set the expectations at the MSM level, that InSight may not be able to power back up come Barsoomian Spring in about four or five months. Here's the latest:

. . .NASA will hold a media teleconference at 2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT) on Tuesday, May 17, to provide an update on the agency’s InSight Mars lander. NASA leadership and mission team members will highlight InSight’s science accomplishments, share details on the spacecraft’s power situation, and discuss its future. . . .

Yep -- seems like a swan song. Smiling. . . a sad smile now. No more pure mining, on Barsoom for a bit. Ah. . . so it goes.



  1. I think Marvin needs a water bottle:

  2. "So it is written. . . so it shall be done. . . ."

    Actually, I may use it to put up a new post, on the Zhurong mission, proper.

    Thanks -- as always, and. . . off, grinning!
