Saturday, May 21, 2022

[U] An Excellent Long Time Commenter [At Another Property]... Offers Us Troubling News, Here.

And this may explain why Ms. Smythe chose to fly to rural Scotland yesterday (no "daily drumbeat" NY Post stories up there). Perhaps she doesn't want to witness him self-destroying -- yet again, since he seems incapable of listening to solid advice. Even after nearly five years "away" -- to think about the way his actions. . . affect other. . . human beings' lives.

In any event, as I said in the comments to the last post, I refuse to waste more than three hours of my life, to listen to all of it, but the three minutes I sampled (early portion, middle portion and nearer the end), give me great pause. I don't care whether he has a fake Twitter; I don't care about his thoughts on Bitcoin or NFTs or crypto- or blockchain.

I do think his case manager -- at the halfway house -- might want to "discuss" with him... the implications of BROADCASTING his present-day opinion that his "I will f*ck" a woman journalist with whom he admits he had a beef, and then compounding it, by replacing his face, for her (then) husband's via photoshop -- making it seem that he and she were snuggling on a couch at home. . . .

This just might suggest. . . Billy would have won the "under" portion of the bet, as "not wait very long" = under one week.

Damn. . . just. . . damn.

Martin -- if you are reading this: grow up. You are not entitled to the same rights, as other Americans now, as a convicted felon. You may not like it, but the law no longer presumes you are blameless. It presumes the opposite, until YOU show otherwise.

And this is a very dubious start. Damn.

Updated: I've now made it a 50 second edited audio clip -- available here. The footage is just B-roll. . . it has nothing to do with Martin's audio, but Vidyard is easier to use if you upload the stream as a video. Higher quality audio as well:



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