Sunday, April 10, 2022

[U; Bumped To 2022] A Merck Nobel Prize -- For River Blindness Cure; Pacific Trade Pact Reached [Originally Posted In October 2015.]

Updated: 04.10.2022 -- Yes. I know that Candace Owens' staff uses duck-go-go to search for material which yields the connection to my work documenting Merck's decades long role in eradicating the scourge of river blindness, in Africa.

And yes. I know they are trying to make the case that using animal medicines might cure COVID-19 -- and I am aware that the latest studies find no decrease in hospitalizations or deaths, from using the above. So, sadly -- I need to deface this fine seven year old. . . post, reprinted below as it seems Tennessee -- where Owens presently calls home -- is poised to make ivermectin an "over the counter" (non-prescription) "homeopathic" type remedy. . . inside the Volunteer State. That's. . . deplorable -- steer clear, you good people of Tennessee. Good Lord [will the Tennessee state house next bring back blood-lettings?!].

All of this is largely the result of dangerous mis-information, from Candace Owens-Farmer (who holds no medical qualifications of any sort, and though I wouldn't ordinarily mention it -- didn't even complete college; yet she acts as a medical adviser to the least educated in the Tangerine/Q-GOP, on the regular).

And. . . I do know that the generic version of ivermectin (especially the equine versions) are marketed by deeply-Trump donating private companies. See the FEC reports from 2019 onward.

So. . . I do wish FDA would send her a warning letter, as it did Jim Bakker, for his snake-oil / colodial silver COVID-19 cure claims.

Out. End update.

[Published October 5, 2015:] Delivered in round-up fashion -- the bigger news first: Dr. William C. Campbell (depicted at right), during a 33 year Merck career as a bio-science researcher (since retired), along with two others, has won a Nobel Prize in Medicine -- for work on Ivermectin, the drug largely responsible for nearly eliminating river blindness in sub-Saharan Africa. Kudos!

In addition, as we mentioned late on Friday, the Trans-Pacific Trade treaty has this morning been agreed by all involved nations. Now begins a 90 day waiting period in the US, while Congress studies the pact. Then (because Congress cannot prevent it), Mr. Obama will sign it.

Here is the bit on Dr. Campbell -- via the Gray Lady:

. . . .William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura won for developing a new drug, Avermectin. A derivative of that drug, Ivermectin, has nearly eradicated river blindness and radically reduced the incidence of filariasis, which causes the disfiguring swelling of the lymph system in the legs and lower body known as elephantiasis. . . .

So much is new -- and to be hopeful for -- just as though new life. . . is arriving. Onward!


1 comment:

  1. You literally cannot make this stuff up:

    ". . .The sponsor of Tennessee Senate Bill 2188, Sen. Frank Nicelely of Strawberry Plains, said no matter what people believe about ivermectin, his bill should improve safety.

    “It’s a lot safer to go to your pharmacist and let him tell you how much ivermectin to take than it is to go to the co-op and guess what size horse you are,” he said
    . . . ."

    So -- I gather the Honorable Mr. Nicelely thinks the role of the legislature is to HELP people poison themselves, but only enough so that they will be disabled, and draw disability payments in the Volunteer State.

    Said another way -- this gets it all exactly backwards. The reason we require doctors and pharmacists in every state to get and maintain licenses, and enroll in continuing education each year. . . is to help protect the unwitting public from harming themselves. . . out of sheer ignorance. [Side note: if the Tennessee GOP would provide for even basic health care, to all the citizens there, the people could see a doctor -- to get solid advice. So this "self-destructive" cycle is largely already baked into a long GOP controlled- state system that denies even basic health care to mostly poor people (who are disproportionately more likely to be under-educated) in Tennessee.]

    So. . . Mr. Nicelely would like to codify "mandated, willful" ignorance -- and dangerous ignorance -- as positive law -- into the health delivery [non-] system in the Volunteer State.

    As I say -- you probably couldn't make this sort of dangerous nonsense up -- if you tried.

