Monday, April 25, 2022

Of Tangerine's Russian Graft... While Inside 1600 Penn: EmptyWheel's Excellent Analysis (Via The Durham Investigation's Inadvertent Admissions).

Again -- this is all worth following in full. The web ensnaring Tangerine -- and his minions. . . gets stickier, and stickier -- as Durham disclosure materials surface in the Sussman matter (or especially, as they don't surface, but are known to exist in Durham's own files).

Here's her latest on it all -- do go read:

. . .For almost two years of Trump’s Administration, Trump was lying to cover up his efforts to pursue an impossibly lucrative real estate deal that would have required violating or eliminating US sanctions on Russia. That entire time, Russia knew Trump was lying to cover up those back channel communications with the Kremlin. That’s the kind of leverage over a President that all Americans should hope to avoid, if they care about national security. . . .

That’s precisely the kind of leverage that Sally Yates raised when she raised concerns about Mike Flynn’s public lies about his own back channel with Russia. Russia had that leverage over Trump long past the time Trump limped out of a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, to which Trump had brought none of the aides who would normally sit in on a presidential meeting. . . .

Durham’s failures to provide discovery on this issue are all the more inexcusable given the fights over privilege that will be litigated this week. . . .

Do stay tuned -- could be a barn-burner! Smile. . . .


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