Friday, April 22, 2022

In Q1, Pfizer Lobbied On "Build Back Better" Fundings, Among Much Jaw-Boning / Talk On Vaccines And Reimbursement Levels...

As promised, here is at least some granularity on where all that Pfizer money was spent -- to influence legislation in favor of the agendas of multinational pharma interests. I include data from one of the retained firms directly, as it is more forthcoming about the specifics.

In any event, this is outsized spending relative to its peer group (again, this year). If there is anything interesting in Amgen's lobby spend (it was on a par with Pfizer Merck, generally in spending levels), I may make one more blog entry -- on that, yet today. On second thought, I'll just note that it lobbied (again) on "patent thickets/product hopping." You may readily discern why.

Here's Pfizer's look though:

. . .[Via Williams & Jenson Consulting, PLLC:] General education about policies impacting pharmaceutical development, approval and reimbursement; Drug safety and drug counterfeiting; Medicare Part D; Federal preemption for prescription drugs; drug importation; and drug shortages. Drug pricing proposals including H.R. 3. Medicare rebate reform, the 340B program, and proposals to impose "most favored nation" pricing on Medicare Part B and D. COVID-19 relief proposals. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2, H.R. 1319. H.R. 5376. H.R. 3. H.R. 19. HR 3927. S. 2082. . . .

Medicare payment issues including the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) and Medicaid issues. Medicare Part D. Drug pricing proposals including H.R. 3. Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act. COVID-19 relief proposals. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2, H.R. 1319. H.R. 3. H.R. 19. . . .

[Via Pfizer, itself:] Drug Pricing; Biosimilars; Out-of-Pocket Costs; Rebate Reform; Vaccine Infrastructure/HR 3656 Excise Tax; Antimicrobial Resistance/HR 3932; and COVID Relief Package/Appropriations; PDUFA. . . .

Medicare Part D (Generally); Medicare Coverage Gap; Rebate Reform; Out-of-Pocket Costs; and Government Negotiation in Medicare. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform; International Tax Reform; OECD Profit Allocation; U.S. Manufacturing Credits; and Build Back Better Act. . . .

NAFTA/USMCA; Foreign Market Access issues (including IPR); and International Supply Chain/Buy America. . . .

TRIPS Waiver; General IP Issues; and Bayh-Dole March-In Rights. . . .

Now you know -- onward, to a wonderous weekend. . . "Do RESPECT Your Mother" -- it is Earth Day No. 52, after all. . . smile.


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