Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Thanks To Anon... We Now Know That Judge Wood's Largely-Unhinged Order Has Been Stayed...

A fine long term commenter pointed us to this, whilst we were out bike-hiking the desert peaks, here. Great catch!

Only one full elapsed day later, the Second Appellate Division in New York (state court) has stopped the order that Judge Wood entered -- and indicated at the head that it will decide the matter shortly, largely on the papers alone. No protracted argument. That's a powerful hint that the law is clear to the panel -- and they will strike this trial court order as wildly beyond the trial judge's purview.

It is just as we expected, but gratifying, just the same -- to see swift, real, professional career jurists well-versed in the law made out of Watergate at the Supremes, even-handedly applying the law, and in the process, clipping the wings of GOP electees who regularly now overstep their assigned roles. Here's the order made available this afternoon -- and a bit of it:

. . .ORDERED that the provisions of [Judge Charles D. Wood's] Decision requiring (1)The Times “and its agents, employees, legal counsel or other persons under its control” to “immediately turn over to the plaintiff Project Veritas’ counsel all physical copies of the subject legal memoranda prepared by Project Veritas’ counsel, Benjamin Barr, that are in its control or possession,” and

(2) The Times “and its agents, employees, legal counsel or other persons under its control” to “immediately delete / destroy copies of the legal memoranda prepared by Project Veritas’ counsel, Benjamin Barr, from any computer, cloud server or other data collecting or disseminating sources, including but not limited to, all attachments to emails and cloud server devices, and to remove such documents from the internet and any web site or servers overwhichthey have control,” and

(3) The Times’s counsel and the defendants to “use best efforts to retrieve copies of the legal memoranda prepared by Project Veritas’ counsel, Benjamin Barr, provided to third parties,” and

(4) The Times to “file with the court within ten (10) days of service with notice of entry of this order an affidavit / affirmation confirming its compliance hereto,” is stayed. . . .

Now you know. Onward, grinning -- ever grinning.



  1. I don't know if Salmon would need/want the credit but, I posted it and I'm not of your other erstwhile readers...the root beer float betting one.

  2. Thanks! And duly noted — revised. Have an excellent New Years!

  3. and a healthy New Year to you and yours. Be safe~~!
