Friday, December 17, 2021

[Tangent:] The Founder Of A Supposedly Sophisticated Exchange... Thinks The Dollar Will "Go To Zero" In 2022.

Well. That's all I need to know.

I'm moving to my pre-furnished, wi-fi enabled... cave (complete with private security guards, and with automatic weapons), forthwith.

These crypto- guys. . . geez. Pre-pay your tuition and healthcare premiums -- in an economy with the dollars' value near zero? [He must own a college or a hospital. Sheesh -- if the dollar really were to become worthless, one should / might buy gold, or bars of lithium, or copper. Or tons of refined gasoline, in barrels. Who are these guys?!] In sum, pre-buy something everyone needs -- something one might readily resell, or barter -- later -- for a higher value per dollar. Man. That's the play (if one believes this loon). Not education or health care (personal, tailored spends).

OTOH, I guess we are all supposed to bow before them, and tug at our forelocks, humbly. They dress, and act like this -- obvs -- because they understand. . . well, everything in the world, so much better than us mere mortals.

Seriously? And we are supposed to believe they have meaningful financial solutions, here on tap?

Me? I'm. . . unconvinced of "their Argentine glory" -- to quote Patti LuPone, as Eva Peron. [Confidential to young Powell: milk will spoil in a few days, without refrigeration. Buy gas, for your generators. Moron.]

Here's the quote from The Street, in context:

. . .I'm going to say the dollar is going to zero. You should start stocking up on gasoline and milk right now. If you can prepay your healthcare and tuition bills you should probably do that right now," said Powell in an interview with Bloomberg TV .. . .

Again, my flannel sheets are chanting to me on this frigid late night -- soft and low, but chanting just the same.

So, I'm out, but Riot will be falling tomorrow -- and yes, Jesse, Santa sez Bitcoin will be below $40,000, and soon -- but the other half of your prediction. . . is nuts. Simply. . . nuts. But I'm smiling just the same -- holiday break is almost here. . . and it's been a great and growin' year, overall.


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