Saturday, December 11, 2021

Slightly Later Cut-Off Dates, For Discovery In The Real Lady A's Case -- Against White Country "Antebellum" Act...

Yesterday, the parties agreed to extend slightly the cut-off dates for various discovery matters. [Backgrounder, here.]

I expect the able USDC Judge in Nashville will sign this -- as an agreed order, shortly. But maybe not until after the holidays. So here it is -- on a quiet and warming gloaming, here:

. . .[T]he Court finds good cause to modify the Second Modified Case Management Order as follows:

✿ Production of documents responsive to outstanding document requests to be completed by December 30, 2021.

✿ The deadline for completion of fact discovery is March 1, 2022.

✿ The deadline for exchange of affirmative expert disclosures is March 1, 2022.

✿ All discovery-related motions must be filed by no later than March 1, 2022. . . .

Hmm. . . March 2022 -- I do like the sound of that. Now you know -- and the whyte country group should be prepared to pay through the teeth, here. What a disingenuous gambit they ran. . . geez. Out now, smiling. . . knowing that precious things remain safe -- at [almost] Christmas.


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