Monday, December 13, 2021

McDonalds Claims It Hired "No One" Who Would Have Placed The Racists' Message On The Eth Chain.

The claim out of McD's corporate is that some interloper found the pre-publication NFT blockchain, and signed the racists' "graffiti" onto to it, in a very early transfer. [My prior backgrounder, here.] Per Coindesk's updated reporting, tonight, late:

. . ."Those who are familiar with this space will know that once the address for a crypto wallet (where NFTs are stored) is public -- which McDonald’s address was before this incident occurred -- anyone can initiate a transfer to that account. Those transfers can include encrypted messages that are extremely difficult to regulate or trace," the spokesperson wrote. . . .

Whether that turns out to be true -- or not -- the object lesson should be clear by now:

That message is written in indelible ink. Carved in stone as it were. Cannot be painted over. By design, these blocks become immutable, on authentication.

So the general "teaching moment" here is that brands ought not try to put NFTs out as promos, because eventually someone they don't favor. . . will add a message. One that the brand is powerless to change -- even as it disavows it, after the fact.

Live and learn here -- these things are not really just like some latter day mini-Beanie Babies, to be included in some Happy Meal, willy-nilly.

This is certain to damage McD's brand in far reaching ways, as the story gets wider MSM play, tomorrow.

Out -- be excellent to one another. . . g'night, from "Frozen" land -- smiling, as I wander off to find my flannel sheets. . . .


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