Monday, November 15, 2021

Power Alley: STAT+ Has A Very Cogent Compare/Contrast "Explainer" On Merck Vs. Pfizer Oral COVID-19 Treatments...

While both are very promising, there are. . . key differences.

And so, as a savvy driver of your own health-care choices, should the need arise -- it would be smart to stow this away, in the unlikely event that -- as a fully vaccinated and boosted US resident, you might (improbably) contract a case of suspected COVID (or a variant, most likely, now).

Do go read it all -- it is a fine "plain English" explainer. Here's a bit, though -- applicable to both the Merck, and the Pfizer regimens:

. . .[Both of] the Covid pills come with a key challenge of their own. They’re most effective when given early in the infection, so people need to be able to get tested and get their prescription rapidly. And the U.S. testing landscape is still limited. PCR tests can take days to return a result, and though the Biden administration has upped its effort to expand the availability of at-home rapid tests, finding one at a store is still hit or miss -- success feels like scoring this holiday season’s hottest gift.

Any delay in getting diagnosed undercuts the power of these pills; even a day or two has real implications for a treatment meant to clear out an acute infection like Covid-19. . . .

Now you know -- as ever, you should take every precaution that is sensibly available to you. This is no time to take any foolish risk -- mask up in tight public places, like groceries, even if fully vaxxed. That's the best approach. Smile. . . . do be excellent to one another. Baby girl in two days. . . back from a full-year of living in sunny coastal Mexico (long since fully-vaxxed, of course).


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