Sunday, November 21, 2021

Channeling Carl Sagan -- But This Time With Real Equations: Not New, But Consider...

Overnight, there was a pop-science article that (again) links the notion of dark energy, and dark matter (so far undetectable by our powers, but likely to make up over 67 per cent of what we call. . . the Universe) with the idea that perhaps, sufficiently advanced life may transfer its "consciousness" into. . . dark matter/energy -- and literally become the fabric of the cosmos, around us.

In that way, it is all around us every day, and may monitor all of the likely billions of advanced civilizations throughout the cosmos -- ones like ours, and those well-ahead of us. . . without ever being detected (except by the most clever of observers). But this is not a god-argument -- it is simply that sufficiently advanced technology looks like "magic" to us less-enlightened travelers.

Carl Sagan hinted at it, but it may well be as simple as us all "knowing" that we cannot perceive up to two thirds of the Universe's mass. . . that ought to be a clear sign: we aren't alone. None of us, are. . . alone. And clearly whatever inhabits that mass. . . must be at least benign, if not directly interested in. . . observing:

. . .Toward the end of Carl Sagan’s 1985 science-fiction novel Contact, the protagonist follows the suggestion of an extraterrestrial to study transcendental numbers. After computing to 1020th places, she finds a clearly artificial message embedded in the digits of this fundamental number [called Pi]. In other words, part of the fabric of the universe is a product of intelligence or is perhaps even life itself. . . .

It’s a great mind-bending twist for a book. Perhaps hyper-advanced life isn’t just external. Perhaps it’s already all around. It is embedded in what we perceive to be physics itself, from the root behavior of particles and fields to the phenomena of complexity and emergence.

In other words, life might not just be in the equations. It might be the equations. . . .

A sufficiently advanced civilization could transcribe itself into new forms, not dependent on molecules. Perhaps it could inhabit the dark matter. . . “If you’re a civilization that has learned how to encode living systems in different substrates, all you need to do is build a normal-matter-to-dark-matter data-transfer system: a dark-matter 3D printer. Perhaps the mismatch of astronomical models and observations is evidence not just of self-interacting dark matter, but of dark matter that is being artificially manipulated. . . .”

In closing, I'll note that this idea fits well with the observations just now arriving from Fermi Labs, that perhaps dark matter may be "reformatting" ordinary matter, in several of the large collider runs. So -- we may already have some hints of a proof, of the above notions. Fascinating, indeed. I'll resist for the moment explaining deja vu, and other mysterious / luminous phenomena we all experience. . . in this way. Smile. . . but I am feeling some powerful. . . deja vu, right now. . . .


1 comment:

  1. Once more, at 6:10 am this morning... wassup? Baby-boy's B-Day?! Cool!

