Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Fare: US Government To Pay -- By Agreement, $1.15 Million in Flores Settlement

As expected, the efforts of the Biden Administration to right the wrongs at our our southern borders continue apace. This past week, the government agreed to pay over $1 million in legal fees, and other costs, in the Flores settlement -- in Los Angeles, before the able Judge Gee (this is one of several, now settling). [That is good -- but the whole nightmare was solely the result of Tangerine's cruel lawlessness.]

Even so, as this May 2021 status report (see page 4), in the Ms. L. matter (in San Diego) indicates, there are at least 291 children (277, plus 14) here in the US, whose parents will very likely never be found, for reunification.

This is so because (as we have repeatedly made clear), Tangerine's mal-administration returned (dumped, actually) their parents / guardians on the Mexico side of the border, without setting any real identifying protocol / method, or securing follow up contact details -- nor any attempts at providing a robust means to get in touch with their minor children (in many cases, now over three years ago). The US authorities under Tangerine just took the children away, and dumped the people they were with -- back into Mexico. End of story.

Now after three and a half years, it is highly unlikely -- a moon shot, actually -- that these parents will, from the mists homelessness, and passing years. . . miraculously emerge, and be identifiable. That will be an enduring stain on our nation's legacy, under the odious little orange man.

But we will applaud the repayment of this $1.1 million. And we will hope that free DNA testing is soon made available by the US government, south of the border -- to help reunite at least some of these families.

That will be our hope.


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