Thursday, October 14, 2021

[U: Legacy 2018 Video] A Jaw-Slacking Banksy Update: Shredded "Girl With The Balloon" Just Sold (Again) For Over $25 Million!?

So, this is. . . amazing (and in a way, sort of disgusting, too). It just sold for over four times what it sold for almost exactly three years ago -- in October of 2018. [Click here, for that 2018 story.]

Here is the latest -- and the winning bidder may pay. . . in crypto-, according to reports:

. . .[A Banksy] painting that partially self-destructed at auction three years ago has sold once more, for a staggering £18.5 million ($25.4 million). . . .

"Love is in the Bin," renamed from "Girl with the Balloon," had a high estimate of £6 million ($8.3 million), six times its previous value of £1 million ($1.4 million). The artwork remains half-shredded in its frame, which concealed a mechanism to auto-destroy it after the hammer dropped at its original sale. . . .

For my part, I am going to need a minute, here -- to digest all of this. I don't know whether to laugh -- or cry.

Here -- again, for posterity, is the event that precipitated all of this -- live:


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