Monday, September 20, 2021

When Nearly Seven Decades Worth Of SCOTUS Perspective, Speaks: Do Listen To Lyle Denniston...

Lyle Denniston is. . . a national treasure, and a living legend. He has ably covered the US Supreme Court for now well-over six decades.

Mr. Denniston, as to matters of politics at the Court, has generally been. . . fastidiously taciturn -- for fifty years. A half-century, minimum -- so, when he offers an opinion, we should listen. Go read it all, but here is a bit:

. . .It is true that the Court did refuse to go along with former President Trump’s boldest attempt to undo the 2020 election victory of President Biden, but the reality is that some of the Justices had shown sympathy along the way for the basic – and highly questionable — notion that the ultimate constitutional control over presidential election machinery lies with the state legislatures.

Moreover, the venues where the Justices sometimes choose for public appearances do contribute to the public perception that they play favorites among political activists. Justice Barrett’s speech lamenting the Court’s reputation as political was delivered at a Kentucky center established by longtime Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, and with him sitting on stage.

And, of course, it was McConnell who blocked President Obama from making a Supreme Court appointment to save the seat for Donald Trump in case he won in 2016. And it was McConnell who rushed to put Barrett on the Court on the eve of the 2020 election to deprive Joe Biden of the opportunity if he were to win the presidency.

In short, some more rigorous self-examination may be in order among the Justices of their own role in adding to the reputation of a Court that may have grown too political for its own good. . . .

Wise words, indeed. Onward, smiling. . . as the sun is trying to come out, here now -- at lunch.


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