Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Next-Gen Joint-Effort Space Telescope Has A December 18 Launch Date -- From French Guiana Space Port...

While we were off-grid, on vacation, the joint ESA and NASA teams confirmed a launch window for the next gen 'scope.

It is back on, for late 2021 -- after having moved to early 2022 -- after having a Halloween 2021 original launch window. But being offloaded through the Panama Canal, it is now only a bit away from final staging in French Guiana's Spaceport facility.

So, here is the Beeb, on it all:

. . .The $10bn James Webb Space Telescope is expected to launch on 18 December. . . .

All that is required is to unload the finished telescope in French Guiana, put it on the top of an Ariane rocket, light the engines and stand well back. . . .

Onward, to a birthday brunch -- ever smiling. . . and keeping tabs on / watching a blazingly fast Half-Ironman® competitor (via the handy iPhone app) in Santa Cruz, California this midday! Woot!


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