Thursday, September 16, 2021

Peggy Noonan's Poor Take -- No, We Haven't Lost "The Thread"...

Ms. Noonan rarely writes much I agree with. No surprise.

But this bit is especially morose, dark and awful (even for her). She chastises 2021 America for not being more "unified" (compared to immediately after 9/11). From my perspective, there were some genuinely patriotic moments after 9/11 -- but the bulk of what was "unified" was a hatred toward a single, faceless "other". Demonized were all peoples who remotely looked to be from the middle east.

Unwittingly, one thing Tangerine helped real Americans see... was he helped all of us of good will, to see clearly how easy it is to make one American... turn on another.

His efforts at dividing us did not succeed -- but they did expose charlatans like Peggy Noonan -- for what they are: wanna-be goose-steppers.

She would prefer an America with a single common enemy (whether real or imagined)... over a complex, occasionally conflicting tapestry of brightly different threads... each shimmering in the sun, in turn, and doing their level-best to make their way in the ever accelerating, jangling world.

So -- I will dutifully ignore her take, when she intones:

. . .It had to do with a sense that we are losing the thread, that America is losing the thread. We compared -- we couldn’t help it, it is in the nature of memory -- the America of now with the America of 20 years ago, and we see a deterioration.

We feel disturbance at this because we don’t know if we can get our way back. The losing of the thread feels bigger than ideology, bigger certainly than parties. It feels like some more fundamental confusion, an inability to play the role of who we are, and to be comfortable in who we are. . .

And, preciously -- she neglects to mention that President Obama did get Osama Bin Laden. Par for her course.

So, even her "bad guys" narrative is... specious. I won't bother with debunking all of it, but she completely missed AOC's point at the Met Gala 2021 -- so I will make a picture of that much -- for her. See at right (To be sure, Tangerine hasn't been that thin since before his military academy days / boarding school -- but it was the best stock all white image I could find, of size, to photoshop!). . . .

Onward -- grinning into the warm September night's breezes -- she will not sell me a bill of fake goods about my fellow Americans. No, sir.



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