Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Much Ado, About Nearly... Nothing: Supremes Denial Last Night

The Supremes (while expressly not construing the North Texas trial court order) allowed an injunction to take effect. Yawn. . . .

The case involves Mr. Biden's end to Tangerine's former "Remain in Mexico" policies.

All it means is that the Biden Administration must act "in good faith" -- and with reasonable grounds for doing so -- as it revises and ends the so-called "remain in Mexico" (prior) infrastructure.

That it is doing, day by day. Unless Texas and Mizzou intend to file four or five dozen new suits a day (hint: they don't have the resources to do so), on each new asylee -- Mr. Biden's Administration will make daily decisions, based on data on the ground at the border, allowing "credible fear" asylum seekers into the US.

Not a syllable of any of these South- and North-Texas suits may or will prevent that outcome, now. More paper will be filed in the trial courts, to be sure -- on both sides -- and the cases (like this instant one, and the completely unhinged one in Young Tipton's court) will wend on and on. . . but the asylees will, on a case by case basis, be granted at least temporary US admission. Now you know -- but these overwrought, breathy and sensationalists' headlines. . . sell newspapers. YAWN.


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