Wednesday, August 4, 2021

[U X2: Ordered Detained 08.18.21] Mr. Fluffy Pony WILL Remain Firmly In Custody After Tomorrow... Even In COVID-Stricken Tennessee Lock-Up: Condor Predicts

UPDATED: he has been ordered detained, with a final order just entered late evening on 08.18.2021 -- in Nashville. South African authorities have 60 days to get the paperwork for extradition in order, now. He's inside, probably permanently, until he is returned to Capetown. End, update.

The able Magistrate Judge has taken his motion for bond under advisement (after a three hour hearing), but he has very little chance here. Next hearing is on August 9, in Nashville. The presumption is he's held in Tennessee -- until he's extradited to Capetown, SA. End, first update.

I've now read the balance of today's federal filings, for Mr. Fluffy's extradition / detention hearing tomorrow -- including exhibits submitted by the prosecutor in South Africa.

The truth of what Mr. Pony was actually up to, on his way to Cabo -- when his private jet stopped to refuel in Nashville. . . is not the magnanimous, good-hearted business-helping fluffy ponied soul he pretends to be, in the papers filed by his defense counsel. See this -- it appears the bank statements proving his frauds (which he claims were lost in a bank fire) are available in Capetown, to this day:

. . .In other words, the application was being made for him to travel as nonimmigrant worker to the United States of America, whilst trial days were lost on account of his not being able to travel from Plettenberg Bay to Cape Town (a distance of 520km), which commute would not entail crossing any international borders and which did not necessitate air travel. . . .

At no stage was his decision to travel to the United States or to apply for permission to travel as non-immigrant worker or the need to expedite the criminal trial so as to potentially facilitate his freedom to relocate to the United States communicated to the trial Court or the prosecution. . . .

[T]he legal representative of Spagni (Mr K Gess) informed the Court that Spagni would consult his doctor on what protocol he can put in place to ensure that he travels safely from Plettenberg Bay to Cape Town to attend the further trial proceedings.

It is astonishing that instead of putting such arrangements in place and notwithstanding his alleged medical circumstances, Spagni managed to leave South Africa on 21 March 2021. . . On 24 March 2021 Spagni failed to appear in court. Mr Gess told the Court that he had informed the accused about the court date telephonically. He also advised that he had no instructions regarding Spagni’s whereabouts and that he was unable to reach Spagni, and that his phone was just ringing. . . .

Editor's note: On March 21-23 he then took at least three multi-national flights, over an elapsed 36 hours to reach New York City. . . but he only now tells the court, through counsel, that he is in grave danger of dying in the Nashville MCC, because he has asthma. [COVID-19 is a scourge (he is fully-vaccinated, though), but he felt the risk of three international flights to reach the United States (and arrive far from the Capetown prosecutors' reach). . . outweighed the risk of standing trial in South Africa, for his alleged crimes.] Oh -- and he partied maskless, and cheek and jowl, in Miami a few weeks ago -- in crowds, at the Bitcoin confab, photo leaning all over Paris Hilton, at a nightclub (see page 11, footnote 7).

This man is cut from the same cloth as Virgil Griffith and Martin Shkreli and Reginald Fowler. All three of those admired, or worked in crypto-. I see a pattern here. Con-con-con. . . . and con. Out, grinning.


1 comment:

  1. And then there is this, from the AUSAs' overnight filings in Nashville:

    ". . .[D]espite the pandemic, Spagni was undeterred from traveling to the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami and posing, unmasked, at a Miami nightclub with Paris Hilton. See Jessica Klein, ‘Fiat is Immoral, Evil Money’: 3 Days in Miami with the Bitcoin Faithful, DECRYPT (Jun. 12, 2021). . . ."

    This guy is staying in lock-up.
