Tuesday, March 2, 2021

So -- Even Though Texas Is Well-Behind On Vaccinations... Gov. Abbott Is Ending Masks, And Fully RE-Opening.

For the sake of the people of Texas, I hope this reckless gamble by GOP leadership. . . doesn't cause another tsunami of cases.

But hope is all I can offer. Texas is nowhere near herd immunity. Texas was among the worst, in the later stages of the first wave. It remains well behind the curve on vaccinations, of people most at risk. Here is the disconcerting news:

. . .Texas lags behind most of the nation in vaccination percentages. As of Wednesday, roughly 13 percent of the state’s population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, ranking 48th in the United States. . . .

For his part, the Mayor of San Antonio, Ron Nirenberg, a Democrat, said Abbott's move was unwise: "Opening everything to 100% while simultaneously nixing our state's mask mandate is a huge mistake.

COVID-19 is still widespread in our community and infecting far too many vulnerable residents.

Please join me in continuing to wear a mask.

We're not out of the woods yet. . . ."

The science of pandemic biology. . . strongly suggests the Mayor of San Antonio is right; and the past four weeks of watching Texas from afar. . . would suggest Gov. Abbott more than occasionally is deeply irresponsible, or at best indifferent, as to the fate of his most vulnerable Texans. First trying to invalidate their votes, then freezing them without power, and now essentially saying older, immune compromised people. . . don't matter.

I will keep the people of Texas in my positive meditations. . . but I (quite reasonably) fear this will not end well.


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