Friday, February 12, 2021

Portland Press Freedoms Case Now... Ending. Again, Ending An Appeal From Tangerine's Complete Loss.

The freedom to collect the news, by and for a free press, will now prevail.

The time of the Tangerine dictator has come to an end. So too this appeal, in a piece of federal litigation where Team Tangerine, via Chad Wolf, sought to repress a free press -- doing its job in Portland.

. . .This appeal involves a preliminary injunction that requires federal law enforcement officers in Portland to exempt journalists and legal observers from obeying otherwise lawful orders to disperse. This Court has scheduled the case for oral argument on March 3, 2021.

Due to the recent change in administration, there is new leadership at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Marshals Service.

To allow new agency officials sufficient time to become familiar with the issues in this case and determine how they wish to proceed, the government respectfully moves to remove this case from the argument calendar and to place this appeal in abeyance, with status reports due at 60-day intervals. Plaintiffs have authorized us to state that they consent to this motion. . . .

Now you know -- so he ends. . . not with a bang, but with a whimper.


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