Thursday, February 4, 2021

[U, X3] Parler (Via The Mercers) Just Fired Its CEO. He Now Suggests In NPR Interview That The Mercers Support Domestic Terrorists.

UPDATED @ 10 11 11:59 PM Eastern -- seems his avatar and Bernie mittens meme were restored (and then again removed), after I first updated -- repeatedly, in the last few hours or so. . . very droll. Consider this avatar/meme thing as a Schroëdinger's cat paradox: one of the two states will appear when you next look. that is all. Even Matze's avatar has been removed from the page, as well as his lame Bernie mittens meme. Seems the Mercers are STILL... pissed at him. "Cool story, just the same bro!" End, update(s).

Looks like Parler will. . . now never return -- and that may be the only good news, here.

In his longer interview he suggested the opinion, at right. Do read it all, at NPR. Here it all is -- via NPR's able reporting:

. . .Parler, the far-right-friendly social media site that was knocked offline after the violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol, has fired its CEO.

John Matze said the company removed him as chief executive, but he did not cite a specific reason.

Matze said conservative donor Rebekah Mercer, who controls Parler's board, immediately terminated his position on Friday. "I did not participate in this decision," Matze, 27, who is based in Henderson, Nev., wrote in a statement.

"This has been the true American Dream: an idea from a living room to a company of considerable value," Matze said in the statement. "I'm not saying goodbye, just so long for now. . . ."

H I L A R I O U S.

And, Matze's saying this is probably self-serving -- to deflect from legal fallout, as the FBI / DHS close in on suspects -- as well as to try to find another job. He is only 27, afterall. He's going to need a real job -- in a world that views the Mercers as now dangerously-clueless, if well-heeled, far right extremists.




  1. Speaking of CEOs.

  2. Indeed. I am preparing a sort of quiet tribute -- to the man.

    Will likely post it, later this evening. . . he's a great guy.

    It will be interesting to see how the "second half adjustments" game of "Next!" gets played. . . apparently there will be no "wide net" for external (or read: diverse) candidates' search -- for the successor -- at least not at this juncture.

    But shareholder activism. . . might change that.

