Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Melania's Suit Against Former Friend Stephanie Wolkoff, About Her Tell-All... Dismissed. Over.

We all knew there was no rational world in which Melania was entitled to a "free ride" -- from the US DoJ -- in what was her personal, private libel suit. [My prior backgrounder, here.]

But Bill Barr was a... loser/suck-up, for Baby T's cult of lawlessness -- and manifold abuses, of official position.

No more.

That suit ended yesterday, under Mr. Biden's lawful DoJ supervisory hand.

. . .In light of the Plaintiff’s [19] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), it is, this 8th day of February, 2021, hereby ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED. SO ORDERED.

/s/ COLLEEN KOLLAR-KOTELLY United States District Judge. . . .

I am smiling, tonight -- and widely so -- though I should be angry that any of our precious tax-payer funds were used to settle Melania's PERSONAL -- and completely baseless -- grudge matches. Onward, to a hopefully flawless Chinese space agency arrival -- at Mars orbit, stable and smooth -- tomorrow!


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